Monday, June 4, 2012

Hello, everyone!

Hello everyone, and welcome to my brand-new weblog!
The purpose of this site is to offer a series of movie reviews, but with a twist… 
See, as an aspiring screenwriter, I have to examine films in a way that differs (either slightly or hugely, depending) from how a typical film critic would look at the movies. My emphasis must be placed on the foundation, rather than on the final product as a whole. This is not to say that the rest isn’t important—obviously, it is—but if the story upon which a film is constructed isn’t solid, it will inevitably collapse.
It is the test of time that consistently proves this theory correct. It may be that a sensational new film is a huge hit when it first hits the theaters, but after only a few short months, it all but disappears from our memories entirely. The reverse has also happened—some films were absolutely not a hit with audiences upon their initial theatrical release, but rather grew into greatness over the course of several years.
This is the advantage of a strong foundation. It provides the framework of a film with enough stability to endure the harsh winds of criticism, yet still remain mostly intact afterwards. Sure, there will always be minor flaws in every film, but akin to losing no more than a few shingles from off the roof after a heavy storm, such flaws are often largely forgivable—the house still stands, the treasures inside preserved.
That being said, on to the twist!
Not only will this blog examine the quality of a given film’s screenplay, but it will also take a stab at how that screenplay could have been improved, should it have garnered a poor response from audiences. I’ll also try to explain some of the more powerful mechanics behind more successful film releases as well. All in all, the focus here will be on story… and whether or not a script deserves a decent story score.  

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